[btn text=”Please Read Before Completing an Application…..Read” tcolor=#FFF bcolor=#0000FF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://www.centraltexasgcd.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Entity-Auth-Handout.pdf” target=”_blank”]
Application Forms
Forms May Be: Downloaded, Completed and EMAILED TO: district@centraltexasgcd.org
Mailed: P.O. Box 870, Burnet,TX 78611 or Faxed: 512-756-4997
- Agent Authorization Form
- Transfer of Well Ownership (Within 90 Days after Change of Ownership)
- Non Exempt Permit Application Forms are available through the District Office only
Please call or Come by the Office for Forms and Procedures for drilling and permitting of Non-Exempt Wells.