Geophysical Logging
Geophysical logging is a method to gather geologic data from logging the borehole of the well with specialized equipment. Geophysical logging has been around in the oil field for many years, but more recently it has been used by groundwater experts to record valuable geologic data. The complicated geology of the Llano uplift area emphasizes the need to use geophysical logging as a tool to develop more information about the regions aquifers.
The Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District, in partnership with three other Hill Country groundwater conservation districts (Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater District – Bandera County, Blanco-Pedernales Groundwater Conservation District – Blanco County, and Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District – Gillespie County) have purchased a geophysical logging unit.
The geophysical logs can help identify specific geologic formations which is crucial data needed to better understand the hydrogeology of the area and identify the producing formation of a well. This data will allow the district to have much improved mapping of the aquifers/geology and allows the District to better manage and protect the groundwater resources of Burnet County. The data is also useful to individual well owners by identifying which aquifer a well is producing from, the total depth of an old well, and the location of the perforations in the casing.
The District is interested in logging most wells throughout Burnet County to gather more crucial scientific data. Any well that is open or cased, that does NOT have a pump or other equipment in it can be logged by the District’s staff.
If you have a well you would like logged, or are drilling a new well that can be logged contact District Hydrologist Shrader Davis at 512-756-4900