Permit Hearings & Notices

A preliminary hearing will be held on each proposed permit that requires consideration by the Board of Directors for Permit Applications that the General Manager of the District has determined are administratively complete and has conducted a technical review, has issued Proposed Permits, and has prepared recommendations for consideration by the Board as set forth in the District’s Rules and in consideration of the applicable criteria of the District’s enabling act, Chapter 36 of the Texas Water Code, and the District’s rules. Each proposed permit and its underlying application will be available for inspection at the District’s office.

The District’s Board of Directors may deny or grant in full or in part a permit application, and issue a permit in any amount less than, equal to, or exceeding the amount claimed in the application, based upon the evidence received at the hearing and notwithstanding the General Manager’s recommendation.

In order to request a contested case hearing on an application, the applicant or an affected person, in accordance with District Rules must provide the District with a written request for a contested case hearing seven (7) days before the date of the intended action stated in this notice. Written requests received after this deadline will not be considered timely filed, and will not be further processed by the District.

Permit Hearing notices will be posted and filed with the Burnet County Clerk’s office, a copy posted in the hallway of the Burnet County Courthouse in a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times and posted on the door and on an outside window of the District Office for a time period as specified in the District Rules and as certified in the hearing notice.

Proposed permits, if issued as final permits, would authorize the permit holder to withdraw and beneficially use groundwater within the Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District according to the terms and conditions set forth in the permits.

Permit Applications for Non-Exempt Domestic, Livestock or Poultry Use Wells do not require a hearing of the Board. The General Manager shall act on these permits in accordance with District Rules 3.52 and 3.66.

For specific information about a permit application or submitting a contested case hearing request, contact the District.